
FLOATER (maximum/minimum level probe, 4-20mA, NO/NC)

The FLOATER is a probe used to detect when the maximum liquid level is exceeded and to signal tank overflow. It operates based on a float sensor. It is available in two versions:

  • FLOATER (4-20mA) – Depending on the configuration, when immersed/emerged, the device generates an alarm signal for controllers from the SQUEALER series.
  • FLOATER (NO/NC) – The device acts as a switch that can open and close the circuit of the alarm system depending on the liquid level.


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FLOATER (maximum/minimum level probe, 4-20mA, NO/NC)

The FLOATER probe is a float level sensor used to measure the maximum liquid level in a tank. It can be used in any type of reservoir. The FLOATER probe has a movable element – a float – in its lower part. When the liquid level rises, the float moves, causing a change in the signal, which ultimately generates an alarm at the probe’s output (a change in the signal to the opposite).

Technical Data:

Supply voltage: 10V
Current consumption: 9mA – 15mA
Cable: 5 m length, oil-resistant, type: OZ-BL_2x0.75
Protection rating: IP 68
Liquid temperature: -30°C to +60°C
Ambient temperature: -30°C to +60°C
Dimensions: Cylinder, Ø 40mm, height 114mm
Weight with cable: 440 g
Mounting method: Vertical
CE compliance: EMC Directive 2014/30/EC
EMC/resistance: PN-EN 61000-6-2
EMC/emission: PN-EN 61000-6-4
Maximum supply voltage: 20V
Maximum switching current: 20mA
Cable: 5 m length, oil-resistant, type: OZ-BL_2x0.75
Protection rating: IP 68
Liquid temperature: -30°C to +60°C
Ambient temperature: -30°C to +60°C
Dimensions: Cylinder, Ø 40mm, height 114mm
Weight with cable: 440 g
Mounting method: Vertical
CE compliance: EMC Directive 2014/30/EC
EMC/resistance: PN-EN 61000-6-2
EMC/emission: PN-EN 61000-6-4